TAG! You’re Awesome!

91e771_7ff2d7d4a06e4eb39198cc3eed77b41f.jpg_srz_304_431_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srzI was honored to be tagged in a blog hop by Amanda Askel, my friend and author of the fabulous new novel, The Man Test. Catchy title, right? Check it out. I have my copy!

So in the tradition of blog hops, here’s the interview…

1) What am I working on? 

A sequel to my debut novel, Is This All There Is?. In the first book, Beth in unhappy in her marriage and allows herself to be seduced by another man. The sequel is about the aftermath and Beth’s attempts to put the pieces of her life back together – as a wife, a mother, a professor, a woman.

2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?

In women’s fiction, unfaithful characters are usually portrayed as heartless, one-dimensional creatures. Beth is a wife and mother who finds herself drawn into infidelity, yet is a relatable, sympathetic character. Not only does she have an affair of sorts, it’s with a former college student of hers. I wanted to tell this story in a new and realistic manner that allows readers to see a difficult issue from a new and interesting angle.

ITATI-cover3)  Why do I write what I do?

I’m a communication studies professor so I’m fascinated by human relationships. I’ve been happily married for 20 years. I want to tell the truth about the work it takes and the obstacles that can present themselves, some of which I’ve experienced and others that I’ve seen friends and family go through.

4) How does your writing process work? 

The chapters form in my head and I feel I’ll go crazy if I don’t get them out in a word document on my computer right away! I know exactly the twists and turns the sequel will take, I just haven’t typed it all up yet. I don’t use outlines, but I keep careful notes of events, characters, seasons, etc. to make sure there are no inconsistencies.

Now for the best part. I get to tag two other bloggers. And the winners are . . .

beach_cover_resized_4000Mary Rowen Horgan, one of my favorite bloggers and fellow Booktrope authors. Mary just released her new novel, Leaving the Beach: A Novel of Obsession and Music, which is getting great reviews and I can’t wait to read!

Flirting with Magick AMAZON-2Leigh Bennet, another favorite blogger and author whose novel, Flirting with Magick, is about to be rereleased by Booktrope! You don’t want to miss this exciting story of Wiccan love spells, secrets and surprises.

ONE LAST THING: Is This All There Is? is still on sale for 99¢ for a short time! Please pick up a copy for yourself and/or a friend!

Is This All There Is? Buy Links:

Barnes & Noble