Hello everyone who reads this blog, I’m your guest writer for the week, Patricia’s son.  That sounds dumb, what I really mean to say is that my mom was too lazy to write her own blog this week so I’m writing it for her.  As impressed as you may be with my amazing writing capabilities I assure you that I did in fact write this, not my mom.  We’re currently on the tail end of a five and a half hour drive to our annual ski trip and it really needs to be over soon, like now.  I guess I’ll just tell the story of the drive, as entertaining or boring as it may be.  I drove for the first hour and a half or so, and we all survived despite my family’s best efforts to make me crash.  My brother thought it would be a great idea to fling his Chinese paper yo-yo in my face while I was on the freeway, which narrowly missed my face.  My mother quickly put that to a stop, but it was quickly replaced by a paddleball.  Much better.  Getting on and off freeways was really the most fun part with my mom constantly screeching about how I was too close to the car next to me or how I could NOT change lanes right now, even when I had no intention of changing lanes.  I honestly can’t continue to think of interesting things to write so I’m going to start making stuff up.  Earlier while I was driving I noticed a car weaving in and out of the two lanes ahead of me, and I thought this was odd.  I assumed they were either drunk or texting and didn’t think much of it until I saw one of their tires start to wobble and make a loud, unpleasant noise.  Before I knew it, the tire was detached from the car and headed straight for us, I swerved and narrowly avoided it only to find that I was about to T-bone the now 3-tired car.  I braced myself for impact and closed my eyes, but after a couple seconds nothing happened.  As I slowly opened my eyes, I realized we were flying high above the ground and I instinctively slammed on the brake, yielding no results.  I looked up through the sunroof to see the scaly belly of a pterodactyl, its claws firmly lodged in the metal roof of our SUV.